Photo May 27 10 43 12 2 E1496454479738

DWF Had A Memorable Memorial Day Weekend At Dutch

Last weekend DWF spent the balance of his Memorial Day holiday weekend up at Dutch Springs.

A total of 6 students and a couple of buddies who wanted to fun dive showed up for the weekend and we had a great time.  The air was warm…in the 70s…and the park wasn’t too crowded.

First up, I was able to finish up the Open Water certification dives for a student who took Open Water from DWF during the winter.

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Next up, 4 students got to try the PADI Advanced Open Water buffet of different specialties.  I got to take students through 5 different specialties.

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On Saturday, we did 5 different dives:

(To be clear each student did a max of 3, but between all students DWF did 5 dives on Saturday)

  1. Open Water #1
  2. Open Water #2
  3. Dry Suit
  4. Peak Performance Buoyancy
  5. Underwater Navigation

One of our guys was camping at Dutch again so after finishing our dives, dinner was served again!

On Sunday it was a perfect day for diving.  The air temperature was in the 70s, a cool breeze kept us comfortable, and we got to do some fun diving (6 dives total).

(To be clear each student did a max of 3, but between all students DWF did 6 dives on Sunday)

  1. Open Water #3
  2. Open Water #4
  3. Deep
  4. Wreck
  5. Search & Recovery
  6. PPB (again)

During our deep dive our dive computers measured between 46 and 48 at 70 feet.  It is always a good feeling to take my students on their very first deep dive.  Challenging, but not TOO challenging 🙂

Everybody also really enjoyed doing Search & Recovery on Sunday.  The skills that we had worked on developing during the Underwater Navigation portion of AOW came right back into play when running search patterns.  Everybody also seemed to get a kick out of using a lift bag to bring an object (in this case a weight belt loaded with about 20 pounds) to the surface.

This was a great weekend!

Congratulations to Columbia Scuba’s newest Open Water and Advanced Open Water Divers!

Photo May 27 10 43 12 1
Photo by April Chen. If she can do this with an iPhone and some filter software, imagine what she can do with a DSLR taking photos of your family.


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