Another weekend into summer — another weekend up at Dutch Springs, PA!
DWF spent last weekend knocking out a PADI Advanced Open Water and a PADI Deep Diver class!
Flanked by my awesome Divemaster Dwayne, we had a great day exploring Dutch Springs and taking my student through his AOW class.
On Saturday we did 3 different dives
I really like the way these 3 adventure dives progress. Tuning in the buoyancy, working on those compass skills, and then really putting them to the test finding whatever I choose to drop in our search area. My students are always proud (and rightfully so) when they are able navigate with the compass and more so when they perform those search patterns. And everybody seems to love using that lift bag!
After finishing up on Saturday, Divemaster Dwayne and I had a nice long post-AOW debrief at Williams Family Restaurant. That was some good food!
On Sunday we knocked out a few more dives (no student did more than 3)
You may be wondering why we started with Deep Dive #2. Well remember that with an Advanced Open Water course, you may get credit for the first dive of the specialty that you took during your AOW class. My student got credit for that dive.
We also did these dives at the pumphouse. This gave us MUCH faster access to the deep parts of the quarry without the extensive surface swim each way.
For our wreck dive we checked out the Sikorsky H-37 helicopter (sunk in 1995) which I haven’t seen for a couple of years (since they relocated it and replaced it with the plane).
Great weekend, great students, great divemaster, great class!
Congratulations to Columbia Scuba‘s newest PADI AOW and Deep Divers!