DWF spent another weekend working with Event Medics Services as a Rescue Diver helping to keep participants safe at the Savage Race up in Albrightsville, PA this weekend. It was actually held at a paintball place called Skirmish USA which looked to be a pretty sweet little setup.

If this post seems familiar, then perhaps you’re remembering the last time that I was a rescue diver and lifeguard at a Savage Race. Of course I had to test the waters again. Note how clear the water is during my test dunk! Spoiler Alert: It doesn’t stay that way!
Davy Jones Locker test run (Savage Race 2017)
Testing the waters at Davy Jones Locker at Savage Race 2017 in Albrightsville, PA. Notice that I got to jump in while the water was still clear.
My fellow rescue divers and lifeguards once again manned the Davy Jones Locker (DJL) obstacle at the Savage Race. If you need a reminder DJL is a 25′ X 25′ X 15′ deep pit filled with water (and it ain’t exactly warm). The platform is roughly 15 feet above the water. Climb, jump, swim, and crawl out! That’s it, but sometimes easier said than done.

The day was much cooler than we were expecting as it was in the 80s down in MD, but only the low 70s up in PA.

We had around about 5000 racers make their way through our obstacle yesterday. Here’s a video of two of them (in slow-mo no less):
Davy Jones locker in slo-mo Savage Race PA 2017
Davy Jones locker the way it’s meant to be seen…in slow mo https://divewithfrank.com
Last, but not least DWF got to search our obstacle for the multitude of sunglasses and go-pros that inevitably don’t make out out of the water.

Does this look like fun? It should, because it was! If you are trained in basic first aid (EMT or above even better), A Rescue Diver, or a Lifeguard head over to the Event Medics site and see if they have any events in your area.
A Good Day!