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Love (of SCUBA) Was In The Air @ Dutch Springs This Weekend

You're darn right I'm the Duke!
Apparently, I’ve been spending a lot of time up at Dutch Springs this year 🙂

Another weekend in July…well you know what that means.  Another fantastic weekend of scuba education spent up at Dutch Springs in Bethlehem, PA!

My awesome divemaster, Dwayne and I spent last weekend taking students through the PADI Advanced Open Water course, and another group of students through their initial Open Water checkout dives.

On Saturday we did 5 different dives (although students only did a maximum of 3)

  1. Peak Performance Buoyancy
  2. Underwater Navigation
  3. Search & Recovery
  4. Open Water #1
  5. Open Water #2

Again, I just love the flow of the PPB=>UW Nav=>S&R dives.  The skills really lead one into the other, and I really enjoy watching my students get more comfortable in the water, with their buoyancy, and especially with their compasses.

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My Open Water students rolled in after noon on Saturday and we knocked out their first two Open Water checkout dives!  This weekend was especially memorable for my OW students as a couple of them were celebrating their 29th wedding anniversary.  Quite a compliment for them to choose to spend that weekend with DWF!

Altho’ to be fair they also spent Valentines Day with me.

After we finished diving for the day we brought the whole crew (or at least anybody who hadn’t fallen asleep) out to Williams Family Restaurant.  I really love that place.  It’s pretty much my go-to place for comfort food after a hard day at Dutch Springs.

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On Sunday morning it was right back at Dutch, bright and early @ 8:00am to get back into the water.

  1. Deep Dive
  2. Wreck Dive
  3. Open Water #3
  4. Open Water #4


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At the end of the day we had 3 brand spankin’ new PADI Advanced Open Water Divers and 5 brand new Open Water divers!

So congratulation to Columbia Scuba‘s newest AOW and OW divers!

Welcome to a brand new world!

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