DWF DS 20190826 Featured

DWF Finished Off Summer With A Great Weekend Of Diving @ Dutch Springs

This weekend Dive With Frank finished off summer with a weekend chock full of diving!  This also happened to be the weekend that the PADI Instructor Examination was going on, so I was able to see my friend Dave become a PADI Open Water Scuba instructor.  Truly a great weekend.

By the numbers:

DWF 20190824 DS 3
Tetris: The Scuba Edition

2 Classes

5 Advanced Open Water Students

1 Open Water Student + 1 Very Proud Papa

2 Certified Divers Up There Just To Have Fun!

10 Total Dives Over The Weekend

14 Scuba Friends Having Dinner

2 Brand New PADI Open Water Scuba Instructors

1 Awesome Divemaster In Training (DMiT)

1 Great Weekend!

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DWF’s Advanced Open Water Class!

With summer winding down this weekend was a chance to bring friends together for some scuba certification fun.  I ran two classes this weekend.  The PADI Advanced Open Water class as well as an Open Water class.  It was a busy weekend, especially as several of my students (but not all) wanted to do their very first Enriched Air Nitrox Dive as one of their adventure dives, and the other wanted to try Search & Recovery.  With so much diving on the plate, there was very little time for messing about.

My Advanced Open Water Class got to go first, with an 8am arrival time up at Dutch Springs.  Diving up there right now is a bit of a mixed bag.  The surface water temperature is around 81 degrees F, but the algae bloom has brought visibility down to between 5-10 feet down to 40 feet.


And then DWF switched gears to work with my Jr. Open Water student to knock out

Meanwhile, the other members of my scuba posse were busy enjoying themselves and fun diving every which way across Dutch Springs.

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DWF and the scuba posse NOTE: The Scuba Snuggie!

And after a hard day of diving, DWF continued his tradition of arranging a nice dinner, where we can relax a little bit and recharge.  We had 14 people at dinner, including Columbia Scuba‘s course director, and a couple of the Instructor Candidates who were working on their IE that weekend.  I love these dinners!

DWF and peeps hit the town for some post-dive grub!
DWF and peeps hit the town for some post-dive grub!

We arrived at Dutch Springs bright and early on Sunday to continue with our Advanced Open Water class.


In case you were wondering…the temperature at 75 feet was 51 degrees F, and visibility was closer to 20 feet.

DWF finished out the day of training with

After paperwork was finished and students packed up for the day, DWF packed in one more dive just for fun with the scuba posse!


This was a fantastic weekend and I am so proud of my students.  Diving in low viz is a challenging environment and I watched my folks increase their skill and comfort in the water. Next up:  Some fun diving!

So let me be the first to congratulate Columbia Scuba’s newest Advanced Open Water divers as well as our newest PADI Jr. Open Water diver!

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DWF, a brand new Jr Open Water Scuba Diver, and proud papa

And thanks for the little note I found when I got back from my fun dive <3

DWF 20190824 DS 2

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