Who should take this course?
Don’t miss a dive due to minor issues with your scuba diving equipment. Whether it’s a missing o-ring, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, the PADI Equipment Specialist course teaches you to manage basic repairs and adjustments. You’ll also learn more about how your gear works, making you more comfortable with it and better prepared to take care of your investment.
If you’re at least 10 years old and certified as a PADI (Junior) Scuba Diver or higher, you can enroll in the Equipment Specialist course.
What will you learn?
You’ll learn about routine care and maintenance procedures as well as scuba equipment storage recommendations. DWF will show you how to overcome some common equipment problems and offer equipment configuration suggestions. You may even get to jump into the water to try new or unfamiliar equipment.
How can you start learning now?
Contact DiveWithFrank and tell let me know that you want to sign up for the Equipment Specialist course. And while we’re at it let’s get you a copy of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving to use as a reference during the course.
What gear will you use?
DWF will ask you to bring your basic scuba equipment to class, but will also have examples of other dive gear for you to work with during training.
How Long Will It Take?
This course can be completed in a single (long) classroom session. There are no required dives for this course, but we cover a heck of a lot of material in this class!
Sign Up Today
I teach this course privately at a location and schedule that works for you!
Contact Dive With Frank directly and let me know that you’d like to sign up for the Equipment Specialist course!