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Big Things Are In Store For MD Scuba Diving In 2018

The last couple of times that I was up at Hyde’s Quarry (our regular scuba training venue) I started hearing rumors that a new quarry might be opening up.  First, nobody knew where it was, how deep it was, or had even been there.  Then we got word that it was up in Frederick, MD.

After the 3rd or 4th time of hearing about “the new quarry” I decided to do some Internet sleuthing (my Google-Fu is strong) and I found some information on this brand new quarry.

The name of the new quarry is Juturna Springs, and after speaking with the operator I am super hopeful that this is going to add a lot of new possibilities for some great scuba diving in our area!

So let’s learn a little bit about Juturna Springs!

Juturna Springs

An amazing look at an unknown gem in Fredrick county. Check out the amazing Juturna Springs

Q: For starters?  Where is it?

A: 10642 Woodsboro Rd, Woodsboro, Maryland

Q: How much to get in?

A: Divers – $30 per day

Non-Divers/Snorkelers – $15 per day

Camping – $10 per day

Season passes, etc – TBD

Q: How deep is it?

A: 220+ feet!!!

Let’s take a moment and look at that last answer.  This means that we can teach AOW without a drive to PA.  We can teach DEEP…AND it opens up the possibility of tec training as well.  Sweet!

Q: How big is this place?

A: 30 (or so) acres!

Q: What will the facilities include

A: Pavilions, Camping, Equipment Rentals, Air Fills…

They also plan on offering not just air fills, but Enriched Air Nitrox (up to 40%), TriMix, and Helium, Oxygen, and Argon.

Q: Will they be offering dive training?

A: No, they won’t be doing training themselves, but they’re actively encouraging us instructors to roll in and utilize their facilities to their utmost!

Q: When are they opening?

A: Spring(ish), 2018.

Q: Gee DWF, this all sounds pretty sweet, but what’s the best way for me to contact Juturna Springs and ask them questions?

A: info@juturnasprings.com

Find Juturna Springs on Facebook


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