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Scuba Virtual Movie Night – Last Breath 4/5/2020

I hope everybody is staying safe and healthy during this time.

As we all continue to deal with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re coming up with new and interesting ways to keep in touch with each other.

One of those ways is a virtual movie night!


Watch Last Breath | Netflix

A commercial diver becomes trapped on the ocean floor with dwindling oxygen and little hope of a timely rescue, so he tries to save himself. Watch trailers & learn more.

Remember, only works on browsers and you MUST have the NetFlix Party plugin installed (

If you have a Netflix account, and a Chrome or Mozilla browser loaded with the NetFlix party plugin, you can come join us for our next virtual movie party.

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Our inaugural movie night was held last night (4/3/2020) as our group of scuba enthusiasts endured one of the (arguably) worst scuba movies 47 Meters Down.  We shook out some of the technical glitches of using NetFlix Party and has a great time.  Altho’ my head still hurts from some of the stupid, stupid, ideas from that movie.

I thought the worst line from 47 Meters Down (which I saw in the trailer) was going to be: “But We Don’t Even Know How To Scuba Dive”.  I…was…wrong… 🙁

Our next virtual movie night will be on Sunday, April 5th, 2020 at 8pm EST.

We will be watching:
Last Breath – 2019 – Rated TV-MA (so not exactly kiddo friendly)

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From IMDB:
“A deep sea diver is stranded on the seabed with 5 minutes of oxygen and no hope of rescue. With access to amazing archive this is the story of one man’s impossible fight for survival.”

We will try and use the NetFlix Party plugin for your browsers.

We will all be able to watch the movie together in realtime and we’ll have a chat window for all of your snarky comments 🙂

Using the Netflix Party plugin will require you to install the plugin on your browser (Chrome or Mozilla) and you’ll need to have a Netflix account as well.

I will start up the Netflix Party URL at 7:50pm on Sunday 4/5/2020 and I will update this event announcement with the URL at the top right after I start it up.

So check back here at about 7:45 on Sunday evening and it will be here (and copied into the Facebook event as well)

Tips from the last party H/T @dr_beaz:NetFlixPartyInterface
“If you’re having trouble getting into the party (I was cause it’s my first time…cue virgin joke), after you click link (using chrome as browser), click the NP button to the right of the address bar and you will enter the chat/movie party!”

Once you’re in, click the icon in the upper-right part of your screen so you can select your chat avatar and nickname, or else nobody will know to give you credit for your incrediblly witty and insightful comments.

I will see you Sunday evening for another great scuba movie night!

If you’re interested in seeing other movies please add them in the comments for consideration (make sure they’re offered on Netflix)

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